Questions & Answers

I accidentally plugged audiobox into usb 3.0! How to fix?

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asked Dec 21, 2020 in AudioBox USB by kamronemery (120 points)
I recently upgraded my motherboard and plugged my audiobox into a usb 3.0 instead of 2.0. I'm getting audio temporarily (for maybe a few minutes) and then it blanks out. I've tried uninstalling the driver and reinstalling it. I've also tried plugging it into other usb ports, but my computer won't recognize it. Is there some way to get it moved to a different usb port? Or did I just mess up my audiobox and I have to get a different interface?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 21, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
You can just unplug it and plug it into a different USB port. In theory, a USB2 device should work fine in USB3. But try a different port. If nothing changes I would recommend checking the power options for USB and check if windows is set to save power by turning off USB ports. Go to Control Panel > Device Manager > and pick your usb device (intel host controller or whatever) > right click on it > Properties > Power Management > uncheck the box.