Questions & Answers

I plugged in my AKG D5 dynamic mic into my AudioBox iOne but my Mac Air won't detect any input. How can I fix this?

+1 vote
asked Nov 11, 2016 in Computer Based Recording & Production by rachellkim (230 points)
edited Nov 11, 2016 by rachellkim
I have a Mac Air updated to the latest version. This is my first time trying to audio record and I recently bought an AKG D5 and plugged in a newly bought XLR cable into the PreSonus AudioBox iOne. My AudioBox was detected perfectly fine but when I plugged in the XLR cable for the mic, my mac does not pick up any input whatsoever. There is no input device detected in my system preferences, and when I click on PreSonus AudioBox iOne in Sounds it says the selected device has no input controls.

How can I get it to work?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 16, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
Unfortunately MacBook Airs are not fully supported for use with USB bus powered interfaces like the AudioBox iOne. Some users find their interfaces work fine on MacBook Airs where others can not get them to work.

I'd recommend trying the unit on a different computer to ensure it's not some sort of hardware malfunction. If it works fine on a computer that is not an Air then you can be sure the computer is the issue.