Questions & Answers

Audiobox 44vsl does not support anymore S1 and Windows sounds (such as Youtube videos) together

0 votes
asked Dec 23, 2020 in AudioBox VSL Series by stefanoristori (530 points)
For a long time I have used my Audiobox 44VSL both for Studio One and Youtube videos and I could run them together without any problem. All sounds were reproduced by the Audiobox. Since some time this is no longer possible as if I play a Youtube video through the Audiobox and then I launch S1 the Youtube video stop playing and in order to resume the play I have to switch the PC sounds output to REalteck High Definition Audio.

Does anyone have a solution as it was quite handy to play both PC sounds and S1 together through the Audiobox.

P.S.: I've tried to use both the original VSL software as well as the new Universal Control but nothing changes.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 23, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
selected Dec 24, 2020 by stefanoristori
Best answer
Since you put Realtek I'm assuming windows. If you go start > search "control panel" > sound > make sure your speakers attached to Audiobox are set as the Default Device - if not set them as the default device. While still in the sound window go to properties > advanced and uncheck both options next to Exclusive mode  and click apply(If I remember correctly when checked this will make it so only Studio One can use it for audio out when S1 is running - I'm guessing this is what you're looking for.)