Questions & Answers

Audiobox 44vsl does not work with Universal controlerer in windows 10

0 votes
asked Jun 20, 2017 in AudioBox USB by mydrumstick1 (150 points)
I have windows 10 on my laptop and When I plug in my Audiobox 44vsl it shows up in Universal controler but I can't go fouther than that. it dosen't goes to the mixer, like when I try a demo of: "Studio live RM32 AI" or "StudioLive 32.4.2AI".

1 Answer

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answered Jun 22, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing.

You are looking for the VSL Console, Universal Control does not have this feature. Unfortunately, the VSL software has been discontinued, the following article explains why: