Questions & Answers

How do I send audio from my Studio Live series III mixer to my studio One DAW in a live stream room.

0 votes
asked Dec 29, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by (120 points)
I can connect via the USB that came with our mixer, but from what I read online I can’t use USB for the distance to our livestream room to send all our tracks to DAW.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 12, 2021 by suarlyorellana (140 points)
Another solution you can have is to send your audio via the AVB port on the back or the AUDIO NETWORK (is the same it just have other names) this port look like a Ethernet port just connect one side in your computer ( it just work with Mac ) you cant do this with a PC (StudioLive-Series-III-mixer-and-a-Mac) that is a link to a manual of how to set up your connection. God bless you and keep doing it for God.