Questions & Answers

How do I EQ a room on the new StudioLive Series III Rack Mixer

+7 votes
asked Nov 6, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by michaelroy1 (1,190 points)

My SL24R arrived last week and I was surprised to see that it did not have the SMAART room analysis feature nor the spectrograph.  I'm a bit disappointed as I will be using this mixer in multiple venues and I've grown accustom to having it on all my other StudioLive mixers.  Is there any plan to add SMAART or some other room analysis feature to these rack mixers in a future update? 

If it's not on the horizon or for the meantime, could you tell me if this would work as a manual EQ option?  Send a pink noise source to the mains, connect RTA mic and send it to an aux bus, monitor that aux bus's RTA on the GEQ screen via connected laptop while adjusting the Main's GEQ on a tablet until the aux's RTA readout is relatively flat.  All this assuming the two channels used for the pink noise source and the RTA mic as well as the aux bus and mains have all dynamic processing turned off.  

Thanks for your help.

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Dec 29, 2017 by GaborSchilten (200 points)
Hi, have you figured out how to do this with the new RTA which is supposed to be the next best thing?
I've just ordered the series 3 24R and am a bit worried about the lack of smaart being a rookie in this field..
0 votes
answered Jan 11, 2018 by mikerodgers2 (1,170 points)
If you have Smaart on your laptop, i'm assuming your using an usb pre, I connect my main output to one input on the usb pre, the pink noise routed out of the usb pre output to a channel on the mixer. My reference mic is connected to the other input on my usb pre.  In transfer mode on Smaart, you can get your delay times and rta there..

FYI, make sure your eq for the channel input for the pink noise is off. Flat..
0 votes
answered May 30, 2022 by derikcloete (620 points)
I have done something similar to what Mike suggested but ended up using Studio One analysis tools instead of Smaart because of the lack of room EQ implementation on the SIII mixers. It is a little silly that you need to go outside of the mixer to do some as fundamental as this for live settings (given the name StudioLIVE). I am a little disappointed given that it was a big selling point of previous Presonus mixers and then they go and take it away with the updated StudioLive mixers... confused much!