Questions & Answers

Chord track broken

+1 vote
asked Dec 29, 2020 in Studio One 5 by Mikayy (2,860 points)

I made a song with the chord track today, but after reopening the studio one file, the notes are all over the place and do only partially follow the chords. Some notes are completely shifted by octaves, others are on wrong notes and not the chord notes.

Now the chord track function seems to be broken.

Deleting the chords and recreating the chords in the track didn't work, also switching "follow" on and off, and setting the tracking to none and back to parallel/narrow didn't work.

Can you suggest any solution/workaround?

I made a short clip that demonstrates the problem:

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2020 by Mikayy (2,860 points)
edited Dec 30, 2020 by Mikayy
I played around with the project and now things seem to work again. At least when I set the setting to narrow and adjust octaves manually.

I am not entirely sure why. I thought that I have tested this already.

It still sounds different though, so I am not sure what's going on and the problem is still there in the parallel mode.

For now, I will freeze the narrow pitch positions and make manual adjustments.
0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2020 by Mikayy (2,860 points)
edited Dec 30, 2020 by Mikayy
I also noticed that events were not transposed anymore. I selected the events, set them to zero and back to -12, and now the transposition has an effect again.

One odd thing is that the octave is still wrong. I have not transposed the track, and yet when I click on a note on the piano, it ends up an octave higher in the plugin.
0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2020 by Mikayy (2,860 points)
edited Dec 30, 2020 by Mikayy

OK, I tried freezing the pitch. The first thing I noticed was that some clips are still affected by the chord track (see below). Some of these clips can be frozen when I freeze them individually, but the chord symbol only goes away when I unfollow and follow the chord track again. Other clips cannot be frozen even when I try to freeze them individually.

The second thing I noticed that the chords have changed again - so it sounds different again. I checked the chords and there are still wrong ones, but now that I think about it, I am not sure whether the chord track even worked correctly before I closed the project the first time. Maybe there is a problem with short clips instead of one long clip. 

However, making individual clips larger and making the chord clip longer didn't solve the problem. But maybe there was already corrupted data stored before I have closed the project the first time.

0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2021 by Mikayy (2,860 points)
I tried to export the mix, but nothing happened. The time was running but there was no progress.
I then restarted Studio One and I was able to export the mixdown. However, tracks are missing.