Questions & Answers

Help with a repair or replacement R80.

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asked Jan 6, 2021 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by carlrussell2 (120 points)
Hi guys! Just keep it short the right one has failed. This has been coming over quite a long time now, but finally it won’t work properly. Lots of angry on and off noises but no actual sound from my equipment. Lefts fine, as are my other pair of Adam Audio A77Xs.

I’ve swapped everything round in order to test this monitor, and it has a fault.

Had these for a few years now and very happy with them, so I’ve just bought a third to get me out of trouble for now.

If there is any way you can help me with a repair or replacement I would be very grateful although I’m not expecting much, as I bought these nearly new from a dealer a few years ago.

Cheers either way!
