Questions & Answers

Integrate Fat channel to any channel, Bus and FX channel in S1 and open it to 3rd party Developpers

+5 votes
asked Jan 6, 2021 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by sakalawani (170 points)

Hi there...wink

It might be more complete if the Fat channel can be integrate to S1 and StudioLive III mixers (in DAW Mode). that can be a real Game changer as it can place the Studiolive as the same standard as Console1 from SOFTUBE without the need to load a lot of plugins in every first channel slot. it might be also cool to open the Fat channel plugin plateform to 3rd party developpers like Native Instrument did with NKS format. Maybe one day we might be able to load for example a Waves plugins in a future Fat channel format.

Hope somebody will one day take care and put S1 and Studiolive serie III mixers at their full potential

Spread Love....smiley
