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New functions to be implemented on future STUDIOLIVE series

+13 votes
asked Apr 17, 2023 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by lucadisiro (300 points)

New functions to be implemented on future STUDIOLIOVE series:

- Larger integrated touch screen(s).
- Possibility of on-board installation of DANTE and MADI cards, always maintaining the AVB port as standard
- Ability to load third-party VSTs directly into the FAT channel without using tools via usb (e.g. LIVEPROFESSOR and more)
- Internal processor with increased multicore power
- USB 3 port with higher speed for using external DAWs.
- Possibility to edit connections and entire stage mix without console and then to upload everything via PC or USB stick

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 2, 2023 by michaelroy1 (1,170 points)
An even higher I/O desk than the 64S would also be great.  Maybe 96/48


Dynamic Comp & EQ

Side chaining on all processing for all inputs, outputs and buses

more purchasable plugins from partnered brands like Waves (Waves Tune Real-Time for example)