Just bought a kick bottom win10 16core 128g mem computer to work with StudioOne, StudioLive32, and Arturia V Collection.
I have found that ALL third party VST - including "Arturia v collection 7" will now crash the software into a "not responding" state.
Ok, i don't mind using the VST synths within StudioOne, but I would be disappointed if ALL third party VST are lost to me. I suspected "graphics memory" to be the culprit, but all drivers are up-to-date and no other Win application currently running has any trouble. I also suspected background tasks (hidden) to be interfering, but I have been thorough in removing or disabling all of those that I can recognize. it is simply the combination of StudioOne and 3rd party VST that are the issue. Also note: this applies to VST that are extremely recent and carry "VST-3" encoding.