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StudoOne V5 Crashing "not responding" when using any 3rd party VST instrument

+1 vote
asked Dec 23, 2020 in Studio One 5 by rohanwalker (920 points)
Just bought a kick bottom win10 16core 128g mem computer to work with StudioOne, StudioLive32, and Arturia V Collection.

I have found that ALL third party VST - including "Arturia v collection 7" will now crash the software into a "not responding" state.

Ok, i don't mind using the VST synths within StudioOne, but I would be disappointed if ALL third party VST are lost to me. I suspected "graphics memory" to be the culprit, but all drivers are up-to-date and no other Win application currently running has any trouble. I also suspected background tasks (hidden) to be interfering, but I have been thorough in removing or disabling all of those that I can recognize. it is simply the combination of StudioOne and 3rd party VST that are the issue. Also note: this applies to VST that are extremely recent and carry "VST-3" encoding.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2022 by ricardoalbertopartidaortz (150 points)
I'm having the same problem and no matter how many times the software has updated this keeps on happening and it's imposible for me to use third party VST, for me this is such a disappointment because I was expecting to keep on using all of my VST, not matter if they are from PreSonus of from other.