Questions & Answers

Key Switch editor not showing file location when right clicking on a key switch

+1 vote
asked Jan 22, 2021 in Studio One 5 by lynnseacord (480 points)
After creating and saving a key switch file I am not able determine key switch file location when right clicking on a listed key switch when in Edit Key Switches.  It used to work.  Is not working in 5.1 or 5.1.2

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2021 by lynnseacord (480 points)

If you created Key Switches they're saved in User Presets.

%UserData%\User Presets\Key Switches

Best Regards,

Technical Support Rep

PS this was helpful but did not address the fact that i should be able to right click on the user preset and be offered an option to "show in folder"
