Questions & Answers

Looking to hire for setup support

0 votes
asked Jan 30, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by mattrichard (290 points)
edited Jan 30, 2021 by mattrichard


Just got a Studiolive 16 III. Since I am new to digital mixers, I have watched many YT videos and learned lots but I'm remain unsure about a few things: best way to set the SL16 (channels, User banks, monitoring mix, effects, etc...) and how to best route it to my PC (W10 & Cakewalk by Bandlab). 

My home studio is small and simple yet I would like to complete my new setup so that it is smart and efficient from the get go. So I am looking to remotely hire someone who has a very good knowledge of the SL16. Bonus if you know CbB, but certainly not necessary. 

I do not know if this is kosher to put out such an ask in this forum but I am posting this after unsuccessful searches on freelance sites. If you can't help but know of an online service that could, I will also appreciate any links.

