Questions & Answers

Universal Control won´t work with my StudioLive 1602 on my iMac after upgrading to 10.12 Sierra. What can i do?

0 votes
asked Mar 24, 2017 in FireStudio Series by denobeno (160 points)
I have a Studiolive 16.0.2  that works great and a new iMac that runs with the latest macOS version 10.12 Sierra.

Every time I start Universal Control, like usual, it won´t connect with my Mac. Also Logic Pro X (latest Version) won´t recognize it.

Is this because i updated my mac lately? if Yes, i did the reistalation like Presonus write on the download support page, and it still won´t work.

I need some help here please!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 24, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
selected Mar 27, 2017 by connorguiberteau
Best answer
The problem is that when you upgrade your OS, you need to unplug all non Apple devices from your system so the preference files can be updated for the new OS. Otherwise you end up with preferences meant for the previous OS, that the new OS may not be able to use. This is known issue with Apple OS's. Par for the course for future updates, unplug everything, then plug it back in.

In your situation, you'll need to a manual uninstall of your drivers first before continuing with a re-install.

Follow this tutorial to solve your issue: