Questions & Answers

Show page: How can I do a keyboard split with virtual instruments?

+3 votes
asked Jan 31, 2021 in Studio One 5 by ukm12000 (240 points)
I'm a Cantabile 3 user for live playing.

On the show page of Studio One v5 I miss some important features:

1. Keyboard split with virtual instruments

2. Scenes for setlist entries

and some other things too.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 31, 2021 by tothrec (32,280 points)
Ideally, you'd configure your MIDI controller to send the different regions of your keyboard to different MIDI output channels then each Virtual instrument would only listen on its given channel.

If your keyboard does not allow for that, you'd need to re-map the keyboard layout of the instrument itself.  Not sure if they allow for that.
+2 votes
answered Feb 1, 2021 by ukm12000 (240 points)
I could do that but that's not the optimum solution.
In case of a hardware defect I could replace the keyboard without having to reprogram the device.
I use 3 masterkeys at different locations so it would be better to do all the programming in the software.
0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2022 by ernestalbuquerque (1,880 points)
Also I would love an input filter for the lowest note only, to trigger a bass part or an atom sequence
0 votes
answered Jan 5 by randyfougere (1,280 points)
Use a multi-instrument