Questions & Answers

FireStudio Mobile keeps crashing on Mojave

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asked Feb 5, 2021 in FireStudio Series by benscribner (120 points)
So, I've got a Firestudio Mobile that I have used *maybe* 10 times that I bought new a number of years ago.  I am trying to connect it to my Mac and it will connect and work for about 5 minutes and then **** out.  The light starts blinking red and blue.  I am running Mojave 10.14.6 and have Universal Control ver 4.21.46437 5875.  I have completely removed the software and reinstalled to no avail.  I am using the power plug to connect as I have a firewire to thunderbolt 2 adapter that I am using.  As I said, it'll work for a couple minutes and then crash out.  Any ideas?
