Questions & Answers

What is unity on the main output of a studiolive 24.4.2 (legacy)

0 votes
asked Mar 10, 2016 in Classic Mixers by ecparker (120 points)
What is unity on the main output of a studiolive 24.4.2 (legacy) or the proper setting for outputting to the presonus monitor station? (The tiny black knob on the back of the mixer) Your manual says "boost" to 0dB and the lowest is 80...where is unity ?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 10, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,950 points)
"Unity" is marked on the Main fader. The tiny little knob on the back associated with the mains is to fine tune the output to the mains for your particular console location.
0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2016 by SwitchBack (2,670 points)
0dB is unity, so go for the max setting of the little pot on the back.