Questions & Answers

Ampire not working

+1 vote
asked Feb 10, 2021 in Studio One 5 by ianuppstrom (130 points)
Hi.  I have studio one 5.  I cant get Ampire to work.  All I get is my clean guitar sound.  I have the blue monitor button on and the track has been armed (red).  Also, when  I turn the mixer knob all the way up the guitar  volume goes to 0.  Also, when I check my set my level (-10 to -12) my instrument mic gain has to go all the way to the left or it will clip.   This happens on all my guitars (passive pick ups).  Very frustrating.   Thanks.   Ian

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 23, 2023 by timothycerar (140 points)
What is the answer?

I have same issue?!

Not being able to call you guys is unhelpful.