Questions & Answers

Are NI Komplete 10 sounds and effects fully compatible with Studio ONE V.3 PRO?

0 votes
asked Mar 11, 2016 in Studio One 3 by andrepichette (170 points)

Are NI Komplete 10 sounds and effects fully compatible with Studio ONE V.3 PRO?

I am a new Studio ONE user (experience 1 week) : I Plan to upgrade from V. 3 Artist to PRO because of my need for 3rd party VSTs: Looked through the forums but did not see any definitive answers: I need to be 100% sure as upgrade cost is over 400$CAD.( I know there is a cheaper patch available for V3 Artist to recognize 3rd party VSTs, but while I am at it, might as well go for PRO..I think)

(I am not a techno geek at all, I used to work with a dinosaur version of Nuendo , so I am also used to seamless compatibility between DAW and VSTs...)



My new set-up (Mar 2016): PC Running Win10. DAW Studio One V3 Artist. 3rd party VST: NI Komplete 10.  Recording interface: Presonus FireStudio Mobile

4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 11, 2016 by niles (54,670 points)
I am not going to burn my fingers on guaranteeing something for 100% I can't guarantee (to many variables there). But I can tell I use Komplete 10 (Ult.) in Studio One 3 Professional in the same way I used it in Cubase, without issues.
0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2016 by andrepichette (170 points)
Thanks so much for your quick reply Niles !  Understood there are other variables , and maybe some other glitches along the way that I may have to fix ,  but a least this gives me some reassurance !

Have a great weekend

+1 vote
answered Mar 11, 2016 by jamesbuhler (930 points)
edited Mar 11, 2016 by jamesbuhler
This is more complicated than it sounds. Studio One 3 Pro is technically compatible with NI Komplete. For me, everything works, except that since the upgrade to 3.2, Kontakt makes Studio One unstable. Any Studio One Song that uses one or more instances of Kontakt crashes repeatedly on exit. For this reason, I have gone back to 3.1. I have also documented a bug that seems related to Kontakt in Studio One 3.2 here: This bug has been confirmed by Studio One support. I should add that I have a Mac, and I'm not sure if this bug affects PC version.
+1 vote
answered Nov 18, 2017 by karstenvogt (3,450 points)
Studio One is not fully compatible with Komplete Kontrol. Be careful.