Questions & Answers

Arpeggiator wont stop playing.

+2 votes
asked Feb 17, 2021 in Studio One 5 by dougrus (180 points)
Hey all!

Wondering if anyone can help. I am using the arpeggiator on a midi track with data. Even with the hold button off, it continues to trigger two notes infinitely after the midi data finishes. I looked everywhere where it might be coming from. If I render it down to audio it doesnt keep repeating so Im not sure what is going on. If anyone has any insights would be much appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 17, 2021 by dougrus (180 points)
Ha! Just figure it out. I had two arpeggiator tabs because it was on two tracks. I was manipulating the wrong one and the hold was turned on the whole time on the one that turned out to be the bass.