Looking for channels via scrollbar is annoying when working on a large project in the mixing console. So, I thought it would be great to have an option to be able to select the DRUMS bus, for example, in the console's mixer/view section, and the console be condensed and limited to only the channels routed to the DRUMS bus and their related aspects (sends, etc.), including the actual DRUMS bus fader. This visual option would effectively work like a SOLO button, but would affect only the VIEW of the channels selected for 'solo view'. The audio controls, would still ultimately control what we hear. I would like to see this functionality anywhere an audio signal is summed: BUSES, FX channels, CUE mixes, OUTPUTs, etc.
I think this feature would be best served with 3 effective parts: 1) a “mixer view follows solo” option that can be activated or deactivated in settings; 2) adding a “VIEW (V)” button, anywhere there are “MUTE (M)”, and “SOLO (S)” buttons, which would be both a familiar and more in depth option to supplement the current mixer view options; 3) a key combination [i.e. CNTL/CTRL/ALT/SHIFT] + a simple click of the desired mixer view selection(s) from the current mixer view options that would allow for adding additional viewing selections to a an existing ‘solo view’ selection.
Adding these options to StudioOne and the StudioOne Remote app would potentially be a first for the DAW community as a whole, and a huge selling point for converting users from another DAW. This feature set will improve StudioOne's built in VSL experience by allowing for a more customized view when using the StudioOne Remote app, and giving users with a fast enough computer system the option to experience a substantially more efficient and cleaner workflow.
If you feel this would be helpful at all, please +vote this one!