Questions & Answers

Frustrating bug with undo command

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asked Mar 3, 2021 in Studio One 5 by xsqwivct (120 points)
Recently I've started experiencing a bug with the "undo" function. What usually happens is if I press undo whilst recording a take, hitting undo deletes what was being recorded at the time, taking my playhead back to where it was allowing me to simply press record again from the same place. However, occasionally, pressing undo deletes the PREVIOUS thing I'd recorded, leaving the current take going, meaning that once I've stopped recording, pressing redo can no longer recover the take that was deleted.

Can anyone offer any advice as to what might be causing this, or alternatively, if there is a way to recover the take that was unintentionally deleted? I've had to re-record so many takes because of this now and it's making me want to switch DAW.

Thanks in advance