Questions & Answers

Undo button stopped working - bug

+1 vote
asked Aug 4 in Studio One 5 by zbigniewnowitzki (200 points)
Using Studio One on Win10.

The undo button stopped working in one of my projects. Other projects work fine. It just says "Undo  Edit Multiple Parameters" but it doesn't do anything when I click it. Very frustrating.

Disabling and Enabling the "Enable Undo" option under advanced settings didn't help either. This has made working on this project a major pain. Shouldn't be happening in a professional DAW. Any ideas how to fix it or export everything into a new project while keeping all inserts, settings and automations?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 4 by jasonwolfe1 (1,180 points)
I'm having the same problem/behavior in S5. I haven't opened studio one in a month or so, and now this is occurring. Tried making undo a different hot key, just says "Undo Multiple Parameters" but nothing happens.