Questions & Answers

Fullscreen Toolbar

+12 votes
asked Mar 12, 2021 in Look and Feel by martinhalldin (770 points)

Hi! This feature request might feel unnecessary to most people comfortable with keycommands, but for someone like me (who is a very clicky person) I'd be great to have the main toolbar at the top of the screen visible in full screen mode as well! I'm fine with toggling fullscreen mode to find the items not yet assigned to keycommands, however it'd be nice to skip those extra steps to get to these options quicker. A small quality of life improvement basically. This menu could of course also be toggled on or off if you need the extra space or simply don't need it. Not sure if this is in the works but I'd love to see this in a future update, thank you!

Here's a demonstration of what I'd imagine it'd look like! Light mode would look the same albeit with a lighter tone. :)
