Questions & Answers

[Feature Request] Musical Preview Thumbnails the Start Page

+6 votes
asked Feb 19, 2023 in Look and Feel by kraigwinterbottom (270 points)
I'd love to see a feature that allows you to generate a preview for your songs as a low res MP3 and then S1 attaches that to the song. So as you are browsing through your songs on the start page, a lightweight preview of the track would auto-play as you click them.

I have quite literally hundreds of projects and no way at all of remembering what is what based on the date or even a new file name. We all deal with this as music professionals and I feel this would be an awesome way of solving it. Basically like when you scroll samples in the File tab but on the front end instead.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 26, 2023 by tothrec (32,320 points)
Great idea!

I think they'd need to allow us to specify the audio "thumbnail" as part of the project.

Then we'd need to have an option on whether or not to export that as part of the Save process.
