Hey guys, if you have problem like this, here's one method to solve this problem:
Make one accessible path like:
.../Studio One/Presets/User Presets/Key Switches/Anything like(UACC)
then the save and update function will be available in the Sound Variations Editor.
@PreSonus Official plz fix this problem by adding the path below when install or startup the software.
I solve this problem from checking the Studio One file system in Windows 10 like:
C:\Program Files\Studio One 5\Presets\User Presets\Key Switches\UACC\...
However the file system in macOS does not exist such a path.So If this kind of folder doesn't exist, [BUTTON:Save Preset & Update Preset, in Sound Variations Editor, Studio One 5.2 GUI] will point to
.../Apps/Studio One.app/Contents/presets/User Presets/Key Switches/UACC/...
That's why error occurs.