Questions & Answers

When is Studio One going to support the M1 silicone Mac's?

+13 votes
asked Mar 18, 2021 in Studio One 5 by ianbarton (220 points)
Rosetta eats into the M1 Silicone internal SSD & reduces the longevity of the hardware. Rosetta is not a viable workaround for music production, dedicated support & customer update is needed from PreSonus please.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered May 29, 2021 by brconflict (2,060 points)
I'm currently running an M1 most basic Mac Mini Apple offers, and just managed a session with 50 instances of Waves Abbey Road Plates, which my 6-Core i7 2020/2018 mac mini w/32GB of RAM and an eGPU cannot handle. BUT! It crashed in the process.

I'm with you on getting S1 to run natively in Big Sur on an Apple M1. YES, let's vote up M1 native support. After all, Logic is there. ProTools won't be for years at the rate they seem to evolve. heh.
0 votes
answered Sep 3, 2021 by Bill Pillmore (240 points)
Rosetta is not a work around that works.  OS X 11.5  Mini M1  Studio one pro 5.3

I am getting clicks on export mix downs even on a thee track 4 plugin song.  Cpu usage is up in the 80's and 90%.   On more dense songs it is going over 100% and I have to restart to get the program to function.  For now the work around is to pull up the sessions on my MacBook running High Sierra  to export without clicks.   PITA!