Questions & Answers

Maschine 2 Plugin Kills MIDI Performance in Studio One 5.2, unusable

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asked Mar 18, 2021 in Studio One 5 by earlbrackett2 (230 points)
just opening the Maschine plugin pegs the MIDI Performance meter in Studio One 5.2 and makes using a MIDI keyboard or the Maschine MK3 controller impossible. I can run Maschine in Logic Pro X and it doesn't even register on the CPU meter. How can, in what seems like very similar set-ups, get such a wildly varying result. I've never had an issues with performance in either DAW, now it's grinding me to a halt. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, or have a workaround ? Thanks.

iMac 27" 3.2Ghz i5, 16GB Ram, 1 TB SSD, DDR3 1333, Catalina 10.15.6