Questions & Answers

Arturia KeyLab 49 Multiple tracks with different instruments

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asked Mar 31, 2021 in Studio One 5 by christopherorena (120 points)

I'm having an issue where I can't record more than two tracks from my Arturia Keylab 49 within Studio One. I suspect it has something to do with only two instrument output options. Currently, I have two tracks: Track #1 --> Instrument Output - Analog Lab 4, Track #2 --> Instrument Output - Analog Lab 5. When I got to add Track #3, the only Instrument Output in dropdown are "Analog Lab 4" and "Analog Lab 5". If I choose either one for Track #3 it will alter the instrument sound for Tracks #1 or #2 pending selection. My goal is to have three (and more) independent instrument output sounds for each track. Please help. Thanks.

1 Answer

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answered Apr 1, 2021 by stanthompson2 (5,910 points)
When you added Track # 3 and it was a blank instrument track, you still need to drag and drop another VST instrument onto it.