Questions & Answers

Studio one 5 artist recording effects

+1 vote
asked Apr 21, 2021 in Studio One 5 by (130 points)
Goodnight. I bought the presonus kit where it came with DAW Studio One Artist, I'm trying to migrate to Studio One Artist watching the tutorials and reading the manuals, but I have a doubt that I couldn't find in any tutorial, I don't know if this would be the best place to address but I wanted to understand how it works and if my question is not in DAW it would be a good suggestion to implement in the updates. I used another DAW where she has the option of recording the voice with the return of the effects in the audio, so far so good, except that in this DAW she also had the option of recording with this return and after the recording was ready he gave me the voice without the effects that I was having return. This is very necessary for my productions because I use effects that manipulate the voice and I need it clean and natural when I finish a recording to start the mixes in the same way that I need to return the effects to have a notion of how my voice will go sound with these effects when i apply. Thank you very much in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 3, 2021 by tothrec (32,330 points)
Yes, Studio One, as well as Pro Tools, Cakewalk, Vegas, and most others allow you to hear the effects ("Input Monitoring") while recording.

The effect is NOT printed on the track.  You can disable the effect during playback if you want to hear the original sound.

Hope this helps.

If not, ask the question again in your native language and I will try to understand better with a translation tool.