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not able to record Midi from outboard Lexicon MPX100 effects processor into Studio One 5.5 Pro on Windows

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asked Feb 8, 2022 in Studio One 5 by brentanthony2 (170 points)
Hello. I'm working with Studio One 5.5 Pro on Windows 10. I'm attempting to record midi changes from my Lexicon MPX100 outboard effects processor in Studio One. At first, I had the MPX100 defined in Studio One as an External Device/Instrument. That didn't seem to work so I deleted that entry and created it as an External Device/Keyboard. That didn't work either, so I deleted that and created it as an External Device/Control Surface. That didn't work either. I'm now not sure what to do. I can record the midi from my Lexicon into Bandlab without an issue, so I'm certain I just need to get the configuration right in Studio One.