Questions & Answers

Recommended packages to install for just beginning Studio One ?

+1 vote
asked Apr 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by johntran6 (250 points)
Hi Everyone,

I'm just starting out on Studio One and wanted to get recommendations on which bundled packages to install to get started.  There's like 31 bundled packages and some of them are pretty large files (i.e. Electronic Audioloops is 2.95GB, BigFish Audio loops is 1.6GB, Impact XT kits is 1.8GB etc..).  Like "Studio One Impulse Responses" package is 1.11GB and I have no idea what that is.  

I don't want to ***** nilly download some of these huge files if they are not good or there are better ones.  

So I guess I'm looking for recommendations on which bundle packages NOT to download from user's experiences, thank you!!!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 24, 2021 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi.  I see you have no suggestions.  The loops I don't really use.  I have 50+ gigs of samples I have gathered other the years.  I recommend Impact XT as a great start if you want to make beats.  You can drop in up to 64 sample banks and each back can have velocity fired varieties.  So, if you want a snare to play differently for each velocity, then it is possible.  Precence Xt, Sample One Xt and Mai Tai are good if you use piano roll but better when used with a Keyboard.  ### It really depends on what kind of music you are trying to make.  All the instruments are good and so are the loops.  The acoustic drum loops like Ballistix Cadence etc. are useful if you play guitar and just need some backing.  ### The first question should always be "what do you want to achieve"?  Theres little point using the Mai Tai if you only want to make music using samples.  