Questions & Answers

Helix Native MIDI CC Controllers

+1 vote
asked Apr 25, 2021 in Studio One 5 by carlchimi (770 points)
I am trying to use Helix Native within the Show Page of Studio One 5.2.  Latest version of Native.  I am able to get Native to change its internal presets as I want, but I cannot figure out how to have Native, which is set up as an Aux instrument (audio), receive MIDI controller data to, for example, control the position of a wah pedal.

I've tried a number of ways.  I'm using an Audiofront MIDI Expression device with an expression pedal connected to send CC 11.  I can see the controller change values in the Controller window in the upper left.  Dragging the hand for that controller doesn't work.  Setting it up as a knob doesn't seem to work.  I never see MIDI IN within Native.  I've tried setting up a separate Virtual Instrument (MIDI) track with Native as its output with no joy.  I've tried using MIDI Learn within Native with no luck.  No MIDI seems to show up in Native.

I'm pretty experienced with MIDI, and with the Helix line of products.  But this has me flummoxed.  Can anyone point me to how to make this work?  I honestly can't believe it's this difficult for me to figure out.  Thanks for any advice.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2021 by stevebrodie (200 points)
Did you ever get this working.  Im at a similar stage.  I can get Helix LT Expression pedal to record a midi track in an AUX channel in Studio One.  

I can also on my audio wav track in Studio One automation lane drag the slider around which is connected to the wah slider in Native.

But i cant copy or link the AUX into my Wav Audio track automation lane.  Two sides of the bridge but cant build across to join them.