I don't know if I'm the only one but I think that S1 need a restyling GUI for midi and audio regions.
The regions names, midi notes and the little symbols on the bottom left are way too small and the colors are to "vivid" when not selected
I have made a prototype concept on how they should be:
MIDI Regions
This just a concept but the "body" of the regions should have a 1px border-radius and it should be semi transparent (like 75% opacity with a 2px border of the same color but with 50% opacity) and the texts and the notes should be more thick with 90% opacity . Below you can see the resoult:
Then, when we select them (when they are in focus) the color should be 100% full opacity for all (body and notes) and the border should be always 2px with a lighter color, like shown below:
Audio Regions:
Pretty much the same concept, just need to make bigger the bottom left icons as shown below:
The "Focus" part is the same for the MIDI part:
What do you think about this concept? Let me know in the comments!
My thoughts:
I think that if it will be realized in this way it will be more userf-riendly and will make it more appeal.
Please vote if you liked the idea!