Questions & Answers

Plugin bypass/activate from GUI header

+21 votes
asked Jun 29, 2021 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by Daw Stew (12,600 points)


In the image below you'll see that i've crudely edited the plugin GUI header to include the Activate and Bypass buttons next to each plugin that is in use on a track. In the example you'll see next to the Delay, Chorus and Mixverb dedicated activate/bypass buttons.

Why is this useful? Well it allows the user to bypass/deactivate a plugin without having to select and open the plugin. With any plugin's GUI open you can bypass/activate any other plugin from the GUI header. This would mean making each plugin instance a little bit longer to accomodate the additional buttons but i believe workflow will be improved as a result.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 16, 2022 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
hoping to see this in the v6 lifecycle
+2 votes
answered May 1, 2023 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
This would make it much quicker when switching between plugins on the same track that do a similar thing, such as comparing 2 different compressors
+1 vote
answered Jun 10, 2023 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
hopefully we'll see this in 6.5