Questions & Answers

Waves Au Gui Broken?

+1 vote
asked May 7, 2021 in Studio One 5 by rionquiroz1 (4,300 points)
Is anybody else running waves v12 latest version au's and having a weird graphical bug that only appears in studio one iv'e tested this with ableton live and logic and for some odd reason the ssl comp needle doesn't seem to move at all?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 10, 2021 by giorgiopecorari (150 points)
edited May 10, 2021 by giorgiopecorari

Seems that this problem is affecting only the AU version of the plugins. Go for the VST3 version meanwhile they fix the bug.



same problem here. Have you tried RVox o RComp? the UI is completely glitched. With other plugins, such as H-comp, it seems that it cannot show the signal into the compressor meter.

Never seen anything like this with the daws. It seems that Waves plugins are causing this bug only into studio one.

If you find any solution, please tell us.

thank you
0 votes
answered May 12, 2021 by rionquiroz1 (4,300 points)
So super weird but when i use the audio batch converter in Studio One and load the au from there the graphical bug is gone but still unable to compress, one other thing i've noticed is side chaining seems to make it work lol sadly with the new update my wave vst3 are not working properly i'll just have to wait it out.

Cheers thanks for the response