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Need Link to OSX Lion Software for 24.4.2 AI please.

0 votes
asked Mar 19, 2016 in Ai Mixers by leonardoperez1 (150 points)

I just bought a StudioLive 24.4.2 AI from American Musical. Their website claimed that the mixer would support 10.7.5 (Lion). Here's the link to that page:

The 24.4.2 comes with no CD for software, just a link to go to the Presonus download page.

I cannot find the software on the Presonus site, not even legacy or beta version page for the AI series. I suppose I need Universal Control for AI as well as VSL-AI with the Smaart tools.

I am running a MacPro 1,1 which only lets me upgrade to 10.7.5. I know the mac is old and all that jazz. I'm not in a position to upgrade to a newer MacPro.

Please help with links to the right downloads if you can.

Much appreciated!

JLR Perez

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

 JLR Perez,

This is the link tot he 24.4.2AI system requirements:

  • Mac® OS X 10.8.5 or later
  • Intel® Core™ Duo processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or Core i3 or better recommended)
  • 4 GB RAM (more recommended)
**The store appears to have a typo on their website.
There are no drivers for OSX 10.7.5.
- hypothetically speaking... even if there were, you would not be able to use any of the UC Surface, UC Surface Control, nor any of the features that are currently available. 
- This would be due to how the firmware versions, UCAI Drivers, iPad Apps and various other features all communicate.
- PreSonus also no longer supports any OSX prior to 10.8.5 with currently shipping products.
The Drivers for the 24.4.2AI Can be found here: