Questions & Answers

studiolive ar12c 96khz?

+1 vote
asked May 14, 2021 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by fontaine (130 points)

I can't select 96khz in studio one. Always return to 44.1. I tried differents things but i won't have done the right one, in fact.

Can you help me? In manual, it seems to be easy... but always return to 44.1!


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 4, 2021 by tanguypier (140 points)

I am afraid I cannot help you directly by now and maybe you solved the issue since you published your question, but I am facing the same problem.

My device is StudioLive AR16 USB. I updated the firmware and now the sample rate is stuck to 44Hz. I keep changing it in Universal Control for higher values, but each time the StudioLive is activated, whether it is by Studio One or simply by being used as a soundcard by any computer application, I hear a crash sound and the sample rate is set back to 44Hz.

To me it is clear the new firmware is responsible. And it is probably not directly related to Studio One.

I guess I have to get back to a previous firmware version, but I need to find one.

For the moment, I opened a ticket to Customer Service. Waiting for their reply.
