Questions & Answers

Import MP3 file

0 votes
asked May 25, 2021 in Studio One 5 by thorstenversteylen1 (400 points)
I understand that I should be able to import an MP3 file into a project since I own Studio One 5 Pro - yet I'm not; whenever trying to do so, Studio One says "file format not supported". Why is that?? Do I have to speak a magic spell first...?

Again, just to make sure: I bought myself 5 PROFESSIONAL, in which it should be possible to import MP3, and easily so, no...?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I checked a number of similar questions before posting mine but could not find any satisfying solution.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 30, 2021 by normanriley (5,530 points)
In S1 go to preferences, then locations, then file types.  If you do not see MP3 in this list go to add and type in MP3 for extension, and MP3 File for description, then hit ok and back out of preferences.  After that you should be able to drag any MP3 onto your song page or project page.
0 votes
answered May 31, 2021 by thorstenversteylen1 (400 points)

Thanks for your answer Norman, but that totally did not work. Trying to add mp3 I was notified it's already there - yet I can't drag any mp3-file into a project... You say it should be possible? So WTF?!? What is wrong with my S1???
