Questions & Answers

Keep only one zoom (vertical, horizontal and region) on midi editor, when i move across differents tracks

+12 votes
asked May 29, 2021 in MIDI Editing by juanpablogrimminck (430 points)
Hi, I have Studio One 5.2 Professional, and i work usually with almost 40 instruments tracks, for orchestral sounds. My workflow is editing instrument one by one, but it is very upset, when i adjust the zoom, vertical and horizontally, on midi editor, the software doesn't recognize the same zoom when I click in another instrument to edit. Studio One, recongnize the last zoom that i use on each track, but this is not helpful. I upload a video on my youtube account to example. Please help, My wokflow it could be much much better with this correction.

Youtube Link

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 30, 2021 by sdinoia (1,100 points)
I know, i hate it so much. I requested at least a preference to turn this behaviour off. But looks like not many people are bothered by it.

Feel free to upvote, more people complain about it, more chances we have to get this noticed by developers.