Questions & Answers

Installation Plugins

0 votes
asked Jun 4, 2021 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by andonibilbao (170 points)
Hi, I try to install the Plugins VT1 EQ, Comp RC500 EQ, Comp to my StudioLive 16 series iii fireware 2.4.17466 with UC Version and it does all the processes well, but when I restart the machine they do not appear. You could tell me what I could do. All the best. Andoni Bilbao

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2021 by sahinatar (140 points)
I can't install any of the extensions dated April 29, 2021. Why is the link not working? While I was able to install without problems before, it is currently not possible. If these licenses have a loading time, the reason is not specified. I would like to express my disappointment. It was a development that shook my confidence.