Questions & Answers

unable to use 3rd party plugins

0 votes
asked Jun 4, 2021 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by sunny121 (120 points)
i am using the unsubscribed version of studio one 5 and when i select options it is not showing me the vst plugins options. could you please help me as i want to use vst plugins

1 Answer

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answered Jun 5, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,030 points)
Which unsubscribed version of Studio One 5 are you using? If it's Artist or Professional you should be able to get those options [goto Studio One > Options > Locations > VST Plugins and add their locations. If they are effects you can then access them from the "+" next to "inserts" on the top of the mixer faders. If they're instruments click on 'browse '(on the bottom right) > 'instruments', and drag it to the track you want]. But Studio One Prime on the otherhand does not offer VST usage, so with that version you wouldn't have those options.
asked Sep 19, 2021 in Studio One+ by neilbeddoes1 (140 points) External plug ins