Questions & Answers

Central Station Monitor Controller - REMOTE

0 votes
asked Jun 10, 2021 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by alexfuchs3 (120 points)
Hello everyone!!

I sent in a ticket with support asking if they'd sell a remote and cable for the central station monitor controller. I have the main unit, but no remote.

Got a reply from support that says they cannot sell me a remote, but they will sell me the cable. LOL. The cable is a standard  cable that I can get anywhere. The remote is another story.

Does anyone know where I can get a remote? / Does anyone know why they won't sell me a remote? I've made it pretty clear that I'm willing to cover any fees on top of the cost of the item, I'm not sure why they wouldn't sell one.

Thank you!!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 22, 2022 by jejsjddsfdffds (140 points)
I bought a Central Station many years ago, when it was a new design. It was sold without the remote. When they decided to bundle them together, the forced me to buy A COMPLETE PACKAGE to get a remote. When that remote was stolen (addict thinking they were taking something very valuable) I tried to get another as a replacement. They just don't care. They would prefer that I just purchase another complete package. Being stuck with two partially functional devices means I will never make the mistake of buying Presonus again.

This company changed. As an independent servicer I got excellent support from Presonus in the past, which means that Presonus customers got excellent service, by extension. That's no longer the case. I am forced to recommend to my clients that they avoid Presonus products.

I expect this to be deleted by admins quickly.