Questions & Answers

How to rewire Melodyne 4 when having Melodyne 5 installed?

0 votes
asked Jun 14, 2021 in Studio One 4 by bojankrtini (200 points)
Hi there!

I own Studio One 5 Artist which includes Melodyne 5 but not full version. So my friend who owns SO 4 Professional got me one of his licenses (He has 5 of them), and SO 4 comes with a Melodyne 4 full version. But now, when I want to use Melodyne 4 in SO 4 Pro, it always opens Melodyne 5 (Which is not full) and I do not know how to solve this? It has to do something with the Rewire plugin but when I load via Rewire Melodyne 4, it is just not connected with any audio track and I can't seem to edit any pitch with it. It is just empty.


2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jun 14, 2021 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
Why not just uninstall Melodyne 5?  it doesn't sound like you need it and you can always reinstall it later.
0 votes
answered Jun 16, 2021 by bojankrtini (200 points)
I really do not know how I did not remember that simple solution. Thx, it works well! :)