Questions & Answers

Problems with Rewire in Studio One 4.5

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asked Aug 22, 2020 in Studio One 4 by darinzeoli (120 points)
Hello, I am having some issues with Rewire, I think.  I have several outboard instruments - a Mininova, a minilogue, a minitaur (yes, I will like mini synths, apparently), and a Modal Craftsynth 2.0.  I also have a few soft synths - ILHarmor, the Synthmasters, and others.  These all are supposed to run through Rewire.  I am having an issue with the apps that run the Mininova, the minitaur, and the Modal, as well as some of the VST synths.  Rewire won't detect the Minitaur and Modal apps, regardless of where I put them, and I am getting some noise and strange behavior from the softsynths.  For the VST synths, I no longer have a VST3 section in the Instrument Folder - just Presonus and VST2.  I used to have a VST3 but it disappeared.

For the softsynths, when I bounce to new track for audio or mixdown a clip for audio, sometimes I'll get noise.  Just white noise.  Other times it's fine.

Are there any known issues with Rewire and VST3 synths and apps?  I don't know what to do here - I can't use the Moog (because it keeps crashing Studio One, even without the App), or the Modal for the same reason.