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Left speaker is only producing low static (quiet) while right speaker is producing sound normally.

+1 vote
asked Jun 21, 2021 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by kieanragay (130 points)

So I just got the Eris E3.5 today and it's used (from Amazon) and they said it was in "great" condition, but turns out, it isn't. Whenever I plug the red and white wires to the input in the back of the main speaker, the aux at the end of the wire doesn't work. But, if I insert an aux to aux line in the front saying "aux in", it only produces sound on the right speaker but only static on the left speaker, like, really quiet static; you have to put your ear against it.

I've tried everything from plugging it in correctly, putting the white wire on the red and vice versa, etc., and still the same old problem. Can anyone please help? Thanks.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2021 by talalsaleem (210 points)

Did you found the solution to this or do I have to replace them?
Any suggestion or help would be great!
0 votes
answered Oct 8, 2021 by carltonflores (620 points)

actually i was also looking for the same.techzpod mobdro
