Questions & Answers

I have a 16.4.2 Studio Live Mixer there is no serial number under the bottom of it,

0 votes
asked Jun 29, 2021 in Classic Mixers by HotBoyRob1105 (150 points)
Hello, I bought a Presonus 16.4.2 Studio Live Mixer from Cash America **** Store, and it has no serial number from what I seen. It has a number under it that say PG19030078 I put that number in the serial number box, but it said it was invalid. So where is another place I can searcher fine the serial number for my 16.4.2 mixer! Can you tell if this mixer is register already in someone name?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 1, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
Best answer

Create a support ticket, they should be able to get you taken care of.
