Questions & Answers

Qwerty MIDI Keyboard buttons should have option to reassign shortcuts

+1 vote
asked Jul 1, 2021 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by adarshchandran (5,530 points)
edited Jul 16, 2021 by adarshchandran
Some VST plugins already occupy keys like right arrow left arrow and tab for their functionalities. Therefore when I'm playing with the qwerty MIDI keyboard, it becomes so clumsy as at one instance of time I don't know if the qwerty keyboard is accepting functions or the plugin is executing those keyboard commands. Please include these functionalities in the keyboard shortcuts column so that the qwerty keyboard can be reassigned to other empty keyboard shortcuts and not confuse the user.

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jul 2, 2021 by StuBabe (1,160 points)
You can assign any shortcuts to any key you want.  I changed most of the shortcuts I used so that I'm using the same keys across my different programs.
0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2021 by adarshchandran (5,530 points)
@Stubabe You did not understand. I meant that there is a clash of commands between a VST plugin and the Qwerty MIDI keyboard. Sometimes both share same commands