Questions & Answers

There are not presets on Open Air

0 votes
asked Jul 13, 2021 in Studio One 5 by davidmendez5 (120 points)

Hi dear team, 

 I have studio one 5 (sphere member) and I want to use Open Air Reverb effect but there are not presets to charge. how can I download the presets?

thanks a lot. 


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 14, 2021 by angelangeles (1,970 points)

Have you downloaded the impulse responses for the plugin? If not yet then follow this in Studio One:

  1. On the Menu Bar inside Studio One, go to Studio One > Studio One Installation
  2. In the list that is shown, click on the checkbox beside the package named Impulse Responses
  3. Click Install. It will be downloaded in the background. 
You might need to restart Studio One or refresh your plugins. There should be presets now in your Open Air. 