Questions & Answers

How can I avoid track names being truncated after creating DDP files on Studio One V5?

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asked Jul 21, 2021 in Studio One 5 by chihiroyasukawa1 (120 points)
edited Jul 21, 2021 by chihiroyasukawa1
I tried several patterns, such as using only an upper case, combination of upper and lower cases, combination of single-byte and double-byte characters, etc. but it sometimes worked, and it sometimes did not.

Even though I was able to succeed in not being truncated for one certain pattern, when I tried the same as a second trial, it did not work as expected but got truncated, so I could find any rules of the truncation.

Will manually removing CDTEXT.BIN rectify this issue? (I think Wave Lab has an option not to create this file)
